Friday, May 1, 2009

Love Dare Day 14

Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something he or she would love to do or a project they'd really like to work on. Just be together.

Sign this post when you complete this dare and more onto the next day :)

Feel free to post your thoughts/experiences on this dare

One of the most important things you should learn on your Dare is that you should not just follow your heart-you should leave it. You do not let your feelings and emotions do the driving, you put them in the back seat and tell them where they are going. Love that chooses to love is just as powerful as love that feels like loving. In many ways it is actually truer love because it has its eyes wide open.

Left to ourselves we'll always lean towards being disapproving of one another. She'll get on your nerves, he'll aggravate you. But our days are too short to be wasted bickering over petty things. Life is too fleeting for that.

Instead take time to lead your heart to once again delight in your mate. Enjoy your spouse. Desire his conversation, take her hand and seek her companionship. Remember why you fell in love with their personality. Accept this person-quirks and all-and welcome them back into your heart.

Again you choose what you treasure. It's not like you are born with certain pre-sets and preferences you're destined to operate from. If you're irritable, it's because you choose to be so. If you can not function without a clean house, it's because you have decided no other way will do. If you pick at your mate more than you praise them, it's because you've allowed your heart to be selfish. You've led yourself into criticism. Now is the time to lead your heart back out. It's time to learn to delight in your spouse again and watch your heart start enjoying who they are.

Today's dare may be directing you to a real and radical change of heart. For some, the move toward delight may be only a small step away. For others it may require a great leap from ongoing disgust.

But if you have delighted before-which you were when you got married- you can be delighted again. Even if it has been a long time. Even if a whole lot has happened to change your perceptions.

The responsibility is yours to relearn what you have love about this one to whom you've promised yourself forever.

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