Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Dare Day 18

Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you. The dinner can be as nice as you prefer. Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you've rarely talked about. Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.

Feel free to post your thoughts/experiences on this dare

How much do you know about your mate? Think back to the early days of dating. Didn't you study the one your heart was yearning for? When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits and hobbies. This is also true to women who start out admiring and building respect for the man they desire to be with. But after marriage these feelings begin to fade. The mystery and challenges of knowing seem less intriguing, and they find their interests drifting.

Yet there are still hidden things to discover about your spouse. And this understanding will draw you closer together. It can even give you favor in the eyes of your mate. (Proverbs 13:15)

If the amount you studies your spouse before marriage were equal to a high school diploma, then you should continue to learn about your mate until you gain a college degree, a master's degree, and ultimately a PHD. Think of it as a lifelong journey that draws your heart even closer to your mate.

-Do you know their greatest hopes and dreams?

-Do you fully understand how they prefer to give and receive love?

-Do you know what your spouse's greatest fears are and why they struggle with them?

Some of the problems you may have with your spouse are simply because you don't understand them. The differences you have can be the cause of many fights and conflicts in your marriage. That is because the bible says we tend to 'revile' those we things we don't understand. (Jude 10).

There are reasons for his/her tastes and preferences. Each nuance in your spouse's character has a back story. Each element of who he is, how she thinks, and what they are like is couched in a set of guiding principles, which often makes sense only to the person who holds them. But its worth the time it will take to study who they are and why they are the way they are.

If you miss the level of intimacy you once shared with your spouse, one of the best ways to unlock their heart is by making a commitment to know them. Study them. Read them like a book you are trying to understand.

There is a depth of beauty and meaning inside your wife or husband that will amaze you as you discover it. Enter the mystery with expectation and enthusiasm. Desire to know this person even better than you do now. Make him or her your chosen field of study and you will fill your home with the kind of riches only love can provide.

The kids are both home tonight and Rick has class maybe tomorrow night.

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